Vegan BBQ Tofu Sandwich

Vegan BBQ Tofu Sandwich
2016-05-01 21:14:29

Serves 4
These BBQ tofu sandwiches are simple, cheap, and delicious. We’ve been experimenting with marinading tofu and are hooked. Top with whatever you like, but we love ours with shredded lettuce, pickles and onions. Serve them with your choice of classic BBQ sides like some baked beans, mac, and slaw.
-Beastly Vegan
- 2 packages of firm tofu
- BBQ sauce
- buns
- shredded lettuce
- an onion
- pickles
- Start by marinating the tofu. First we like to freeze it overnight while still in the package. Take it out the next day and let it thaw, then remove from the package and drain the water out of the tofu. This makes it porous so that it can soak up more marinade. Now it's time to cut each block of tofu into quarters and let them marinade in BBQ sauce for at least 6 hours. The longer, the better. We love Organicville Tangy BBQ sauce and usually use about half the bottle as marinade.
- Next, bake the tofu. After preheating the oven to 350, remove the tofu pieces from the marinade and place in a large pan. Flip the tofu in ten minutes, then every five minutes until each side gets toasted. Then put a coating of BBQ Sauce on each side and bake for another few minutes and remove from the oven.
- Now just put the sandwiches together. We like to toast the buns and put a little sauce on each side. Tofu on the bottom, then comes the shredded lettuce, pickles and onions. Enjoy!
Ravenous Vegans
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